29 February 2012

The Seven Winds

„So you decided to travel the Seven Winds? Good! But be warned: Only Wind One and Two are perfectly safe. They are used to travel short and longer distances. Wind Two is mostly used by the big trading companies. So if you are not with them... better use Wind One. They don’t like competition up there. Wind One can be used freely by everyone. But at some areas you have to pay a toll for traveling through. If you ever want to use one of the other Winds... Well good luck with that. They are faster than the lower Winds but they are also more dangerous. So if you have a fast ship and a fearless crew, just go up and see what’s there. Only few came back to tell about what they saw.” 

Ambrose Bergdorf’s Guide to adventurous traveling 

Click here to find out more about the Seven Winds!

27 February 2012

Captain „Blackbeard“ Morgan

Suddenly Jack felt a strong presence filling the room. A presence he hasn’t felt since the incident at Longneck Island. It couldn’t be true, he must be dead... but as Jack turned around he saw him. The Captain!

Captain Morgan alias Blackbeard is arguably one of the most infamous Skyjackers all over the “Seven Winds”. His wit is legendary, his mechanical skills are brilliant and with his vapor pressure-operated, mechanical arm he truly is a menacing fighting force. With his crew he roams the Sky, always looking for an opportunity to make a bit of cash. And that displeases the great trading companies and their “honest” way of earning money so much, they put a high bounty on his head. But Blackbeard isn’t necessarily a bad guy. Actually, he is popular with many people, because his actions never really harm anyone but the obnoxious and omnipresent trading companies or the ruthless government. 

Rebecca Bennet

“Hey! Pick on someone of your own size!” she shouted and *wham* smacks the nasty looking fella with her electric lathi.
You shouldn’t mess with Rebecca! No really, don’t get in her way or this little sixteen year old girl is going to kick your butt. Well... only if you deserve it. There’s nothing more Rebecca hates than bullies.
Her parents are hawkers with their own little airship, crammed with all different kind of goods. They were always on the move from city to city, looking for the best bargain and the next trade. When business calls, they forgot about everything else. So Rebecca had to take care for herself very early in her life.
One year ago, Rebecca had enough and she ran away from her parents to start a business of her own. She traveled to Port Banks on her own, just to charter on one of the great merchant ships of “Gable, Smith & Ratisbon”, the biggest trading company in Port Banks. But her plan didn’t work out as she had planned it... 

17 February 2012

Stevie's Place

Home! Stevie hasn’t felt this way since a long time. Finally he managed to find a place to hide from the guards. It’s small and a little bit off from the streets, in an old disconnected air vent, right above a crummy old pub called “The Locker”. All his belongings he nicked from guests of the pub. Small things, nothing anyone would miss. A few coins here and there and sometimes even... a book.
Books are a real treasure to Stevie. They are his key to the world. He reads whatever he can get hold of, but what he really loves, are books about travelers and far off worlds. All his life he felt the wanderlust, itching in his feet. In his armchair he can travel without even moving.

15 February 2012

Stephan "Stevie" Quinn

Meet Stevie Quinn, a 14 year old orphan boy, who lives in an old disconnected air vent right above a sailors Pub called “The Locker”. He makes a living of odd jobs and minor thefts.
Stevie’s parents died when he was two years old and so he grew up in an orphanage until he was ten years old. He never liked the strict rules and he always wanted to be free, doing whatever he liked. One day - like the great explorers in his books - he would see the world! All the exotic places, the strange worlds of the “Seven winds”. With treasures and daring adventures - in short - he wanted to live a venturers life.

Port Banks

Port Banks is the biggest and probably the most important city in the Alliance of the Great Nations. Nearly one third of the worlds trade income is produced here. The city is divided into different quarters, which are set up on gigantic metal platforms, rising into the sky. Each quarter is dedicated to a different functionality and therefore has a different design and tone. There is the dockland area with quarters of where the dock workers live. At the pontoons, where night and day ships arrive and depart, cargo is discharged and people are working. It’s always loud, noisy and busy. When there is hard work, the entertainment isn’t far off. Next to the docking area is the entertainment quarter. With bars, casinos and all the entertainment a Jack needs on his shore leave. On the third big platform the administration of Port Banks is set. All the big decisions are made here and all the upper crust of society is living in this quarter. So it is nice and neat but you also find very harsh security guards who put people who don’t belong there into their place.